After watching the Power Searching with Google videos and doing the activities for each class, I realized that I have learned a lot. There's a lot of tricks and tips that I have never even heard of before that can make my Google searches better, quicker, and cut down the results tremendously to help me find an answer faster. There's a lot of things that I learned that I found very interesting, one of these being search by image. Search by image would come into good use when seeing a picture but not knowing what the picture is actually of. There's a couple different things that you can do when using search by image. You can either copy and paste the image's URL into the search bar, or you can save the image and drag it into the search bar. Google will come up with results on information about that picture and what it actually is.
Another thing I found helpful was ways that you can shorten your query to search faster and to get better and more specific results. Instead of writing out a super long question, write as little words as possible. As you're going through the search results, sometimes you might find that there's things in the results that you don't want in there. So in the search bar next to your search, you could add a minus sign and the word next to it that you wish not to find in your search. This way, your search results will be cut down and they will be specified.