It was an amazing day. It was warm, the spring air was fresh, and the sun was shining bright. My cousin Bianca, and my brother Mark and I decided to take a drive to a small, close-to-empty, unpaved parking lot. She had decided to call our other cousin David to see if he wanted to come. He agreed, so he drove down too. We had just had a lot of ice cream at Richardson's, so we decided to take a walk once David met up with us. "No Trespassing", the sign said. It was hung on a chain that was tied from pole to pole
"Let's go in guys," one of my cousins said.
"Yeah, let's go," I agreed. It sounded like fun and it was harmless. There really didn't even seem to be a point of the sign there. So we jumped over the chain and started walking down this path. It was covered in leaves and had sticks everywhere, whether it be on the ground or hanging out from bushes.
"This used to be a road," Bianca said to me. "That's why there's a street sign over there going in the direction of this path." I looked back at the sign. "Pine Street" it said. It was green and faded and all scratched up. "This must be a pretty old street," I thought to myself.
As we walked we realized that none of the trees nor bushes were budding, but there were leaves everywhere on the ground.
"It's been burnt," David said. "There must've been a fire." As we walked along the yellow leaves, we saw one little flower sticking up, popping its head out from under the leaves. It was the only plant alive here.
We didn't really know where we were going, we just kept following the path. A house appeared. An old, abandoned house; the door half open, the window shattered, and the rest of the windows blocked off with wood nailed to them. We slowed down our footsteps and quietly walked towards the house, not knowing what could be inside.
"You guys know what I heard once?" David said to us. "There's a small village hidden around here. But it's not people that live there, so we need to be quiet." I didn't quite understand what he meant. If people didn't live there, then what did?
"Swoosh" I heard from behind me. I jumped a little and turned around, but nothing was there. I continued walking.
"Whip!" I heard next. This time Bianca heard it to. "Okay I am really freaked out," she said to me. "So am I, we should probably leave," I said. The next thing I know I'm hearing David calling my brother's name. "Come on Mark, let's go see what's inside."
"Be careful you guys," I said as my brother and David walked closer towards the house. Bianca and I kept our distance together.
"Do you see that?" I said, looking into the window.
"Yeah, I see something. It's some sort of black shadow. There's something in there. Maybe they shouldn't go in," Bianca replied. But by then it was too late. David was already creaking open the door with Mark following close behind. I started to get very nervous and worried. My stomach was tied in knots. They took quite a while in there. I was starting to think that the thing Bianca and I saw in the window was real and maybe it had followed them, because once they entered the house, I didn't see the shadow standing there anymore. My leg was burning now. I looked down and saw scratches all over it. I wasn't quite sure how they got there. This only scared me more.
After a moment that seemed like forever, David and Mark came running out of the house, covering their mouths and noses and coughing.
"Let's go," David said.
We all ran, Bianca and I in front and David and Mark following in back. Once the house was out of our site, we stopped running.
"That was so scary," I said.
"Hey, where's David?" Bianca asked. We all searched around for him, but couldn't find him.
"David!" Mark screamed.
"Dave!" Bianca yelled.
"David?!" I called out. No answer. This place was scary. One that we will never visit again.
Wow! So scary! Where was your cousin David?